
Wednesday, October 27, 2010


At twilight the sun’s rays hit the clouds from below

At twilight THC and caffeine combine

At twilight I feel hollow

At twilight I greet my bed and it is mine alone

At twilight I take a bath

At twilight I become James Joyce

At twilight the path of a writer is born

At twilight I cannot hear the bird’s voice

At twilight I say a prayer

At twilight the fear of the crimes I committed come to the fore

At twilight I feel the devils spear

At twilight my sins burn from the core or is it my soul?

At twilight free range chickens head to the shed

At twilight boys’ feet coated in red soil mess the house

At twilight love brews, welcoming kisses from a lover

At twilight a mother whips the boys’ for sneaking out like the mouse (forced rhyme).

Twilight is the afterglow

At twilight happiness is smeared by loneliness

At twilight my phone vibrates, she says she wants a show

Twilight is birth, death, gestation, conception of happiness

At twilight she says I am her lover

At twilight we are one

At twilight we are art

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